Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Monday, 23 May 2011

Week of Rage: Protests Spreading Worldwide


10,000 police on the streets in Ireland when the queen went to visit. I never heard about that on the news here in the UK, did you?

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

War's necessary! US defense contractors 'raking in the dough'

I love the pacifist,
well actually I think she's a dumb %$%^$ ^$%^%^ idiot $%^ 5%^&% with her head
up her ££$% and needs $%^&$ £$%$ $%^$% sideways.

Vista aĆ©rea de la concentraciĆ³n en Sol 17M #acampadasol

Can you see me in my headdress?

Me neither, gutted.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Spend Money Or F£$K OFF

I've watched videos of other folks getting harrased and now I've had the pleasure of witnessing first hand the corporate religon exorcising anything that may make the 'consumer' question life the universe and everything.

For whatever reason my new mate has been thrown a curve ball in his personal life and thanks to our wonderful society gets told to fuck off.

There is no bail out for this dude.

Now, if on the other hand he wore a suit and had bezzy influential mates he would be sitting pretty regardless of curve balls, theft,  fraud, or down right c$£tishness.
